Health and Safety

At Héroux-Devtek, the importance of providing a healthy, productive and meaningful workplace for all employees ranks as one of the Corporation’s top priorities. Our people represent our most valuable resource. In this spirit, the Corporation devotes continuous effort to eliminate potential dangers and maintain a safe working environment. Our health and safety committees, comprised jointly of members from management and front-line staff, place particular emphasis on prevention. Our due diligence aims at minimizing workplace hazards. Safety strategies are updated in every work unit, and compliance is reviewed regularly.

Environmental Responsibility

Aware of its environmental responsibilities, Héroux-Devtek aims for a high level of performance by controlling the impact of its activities and by committing to a structured Environmental Management System. This system was gradually implemented and now requires management and all employees to:
  • Examine Héroux-Devtek’s business through an environmental lens, and not strictly through a regulatory one, such that environmental considerations are integrated into corporate decision-making;
  • Gear the Corporation’s activities and operations to meet or exceed environmental laws and regulations;
  • Recognize that environmentally positive actions aiming to reduce consumption of resources such as energy, water or raw materials are essential to ensure sustainable business, provide an abundant future for generations to come, and improve performance of the company.
Héroux-Devtek’s employees assist in environmental preservation through the exercise of internally formulated best practices and their continuous improvement.